Monday 12 March 2012

Sweetened beverages and soft drinks increase type II diabetes risk by 69%

This study was published in the Journal of Nutrition 2007 Jun;137(6):1447-54

Study title and authors:
Consumption of sweetened beverages and intakes of fructose and glucose predict type 2 diabetes occurrence.
Montonen J, Järvinen R, Knekt P, Heliövaara M, Reunanen A.
National Public Health Institute, Helsinki FIN, Finland.

This study can be accessed at:

This study investigated the role of intakes of different sugars and beverages in the development of type II diabetes. The study lasted for 12 years and included 4,304 men and women aged 40-60 years who were free of diabetes at the start of the study.

Different types of sugar had the following effects on the incidence of type II diabetes:
(a) Those with the highest fructose consumption had a 90% increased risk of type II diabetes compared to those with the lowest fructose consumption.
(b) Those with the highest glucose consumption had a 91% increased risk of type II diabetes compared to those with the lowest glucose consumption.
(c) Those with the highest total sugar consumption had a 56% increased risk of type II diabetes compared to those with the lowest total consumption.

Different types of food and drink had the following effects on the incidence of type II diabetes:
(d) Those who consumed the most jam and marmalade had a 39% increased risk of type II diabetes compared to those who consumed the least jam and marmalade.
(e) Those who consumed the most sweetened berry juice had a 69% increased risk of type II diabetes compared to those who consumed the least sweetened berry juice.
(f) Those who consumed the most soft drinks had a 67% increased risk of type II diabetes compared to those who consumed the least soft drinks.

The findings of the study support the view that higher intake of fructose and glucose and sweetened beverages may increase type II diabetes risk.


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